
Adapters allow you to use a smaller card in a a slot designed for larger one.  The two adapters shown below will let you use a midroSD card in a standard slot. This is very helpfull if you have many devices or a PC that only has an SD slot.  This really makes your cards more versatile and I own several. 

Note these have no memory of their own. These are marked well but I have several I marked after sticking them in a camera thinking they were a card.

Caution - I see Ebay listings where these adapters show up in searches for cards. in tiny small print they will say card not included.  They often say things like will hold 16GB card to get into the listings.  Be aware they exist and make sure you are actually getting an actual card before you bid.

They are handy items to have and plenty of reputable sellers carry them if a listing looks to good to be true make sure its not just a case or an adapter.  

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