Capacity Rating


There are 3 Capacity ratings SC, HC and XC.   Here they are in the order in which they were introduced to the market.


  • SC -  Standard Capacity 1MB to 2Gb
  • HC - High Capacity 4GB to 32GB
  • XC - eXtended Capacity  32GB to 2 TB  


These cards are all physically the same size but your device can only recognize the ones that were around when it was made so:

SC devices will only recognize SC Cards.

HC devices should recognize SC or HC devices.

XC devices will recognize XC,HC or SC cards.


Things to look out for here

There are standard capacity cards up to 4gb. These do not meet the spec and your device may or may not recognize them. If it is labelled as SC and larger than 2gb I wouldnt take the chance on it.  Sometimes you can fool a device to accept these by reformating them.

If you are running an older operating system on your PC you may need a driver update to recognize the HC or XC cards.

Some devices can be updated to accept newer cards. See the manufacturers website this is generally called a firmware update. The process would be different for each device and wont be covered here.


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